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In order for the South Cup to run smoothly, we rely on a number of volunteers. It’s time to pay tribute to their efforts for this tournament.

Sør Cup is organized as a limited company. In each of the owner clubs Fløy, Vindbjart and Donn, there are a number of people who make up a tournament committee. These are responsible for the practical implementation of the cup.

One is responsible for food, one for activities, one for cleaning, accommodation and so on. Each individual attends monthly meetings and is responsible for finding the necessary number of volunteers for their area.

Total number of volunteers during the cup: 1.500!

Total number of volunteer hours: 16,500 (yes, you read that right!)

There’s a lot to be said for the job we do in the administration. It’s probably hard to avoid the fact that organizing this tournament without two employees would have been difficult. But it would have been impossible to organize without all our volunteers. I bow my head, as she said, for the effort they put in.

Sure, some choose to travel away when the South Cup is on. But the vast majority choose to show up, at the agreed place at the agreed time, to do their part to ensure that this goes as smoothly as possible.

And in my time at Sør Cup/PlussbankCup, I’ve always found that the question “What do you think of the volunteers?” gets the best marks in the post-event evaluation. That’s simply what our participants are most satisfied with.

Whether it’s a kiosk attendant, a litter picker, a night watchman or a tournament committee leader. Everyone has the same enthusiasm. They want to make the participants’ stay the very best. And they want to fulfill our vision of providing Norway’s best cup experience – on and off the pitch.

There is an incredible difference between the volunteers. And there is no doubt that the biggest task rests with the tournament committee. It is the clubs’ responsibility to find competent personnel for these tasks. As the main person responsible for some of the posts, you quickly realize what kind of follow-up the individuals need from us in the administration. Sometimes you find that you’ve found the wrong person altogether.

Like one time when we had found someone for cleaning, she had apparently agreed to this. When we called her to make an appointment, we found out; no, she hadn’t accepted any responsibility, she could clean a floor or two, but that was enough.

Another time we were looking for a person for a position, and the manager was asked if he had asked a specific person. – I FEEL like I’ve asked him, was the answer. We didn’t take a chance on that one, and asked again.

But you meet most of the other type. Håkon on Flekkerøy is one of them. Full of energy, he planned the St. Hans party on Flekkerøy. There would be a pirate ship and pirates, but they wouldn’t be pirates, they would be pirates.

You’ve got Kenneth in Vennesla, who is both volunteer manager and disc jockey. And Vidar. And Elisabeth. And Thor Richard, who has said all these years that THIS is his last year. When it comes down to it, it never will be. I have about 45 names on the block. You all know who you are.

All outgoing committee members are obliged to have a transition meeting with the incoming committee member. This is to ensure that the experience is passed on. One of the first questions we always ask at Flekkerøy is whether the food man (not MÆD-man, but MAT-MANNEN), Arild, has had a transition meeting. The answer is always the same. Yep, he did, and it went very smoothly. The outgoing and incoming managers are the same Arild, and have been for over 20 years.

I have to say I’m touched and fascinated when I think of all the vacation days our great people take to help out. I can’t put into words how much it means to everyone that you do that.

So to all of you who spend countless hours on Sør Cup: A THOUSAND THANKS to you all. We hope you’ll continue to do so in the future!

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