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Over the years, Arild Thomassen has provided 250,000 meals to hungry Sør Cup participants.

He is responsible for the food at Flekkerøy during the cup – he has been since 2006.

– A lot of people need to be fed, and the logistics must be in order. I promise that no one will go hungry during the cup,” says Thomassen and takes Sør Cup magazine into the sports hall on the island. Here, long tables for 500-600 people will be set three times a day, Friday to Tuesday.

– “Breakfast, dinner and supper,” says the enthusiast – who has the help of well over 100 people with food collection, table setting, serving and cleaning.

– You could say I’m dependent on having a well-oiled machine around me, and I do. I have helpers of all ages, some well into their 80s. The spirit of volunteerism is fantastic,” says Thomassen, who himself works 17-hour days during the cup.

– We have to start well before breakfast is served from 7 a.m. – and then it’s one thing after another until bedtime. It’s hectic, but it’s great to be part of the cup. There are lots of nice children and adults, and many come back year after year,” says Thomassen.

He is a trained electrician, and when, as football coach at Fløy in 2006, he was asked to help out during the cup, he was sure it would involve helping with electrical installations.

But it had to be about food, service and logistics.

There’s a lot to keep track of – not least the planning and ordering of food before the cup.
During the cup days, the participants eat between 400 and 500 loaves of bread; that’s around 10,000 slices of bread. There is a huge amount of cheese, ham and jam, but also many kilos of cucumbers and tomatoes.

– “Over the years, we’ve had many skilled cucumber cutters. Craftsmen are great at cutting thin cucumber slices,” says a smiling Thomassen – explaining that providing food is also about making meals delicious and healthy. Food for allergy sufferers has also been ordered. And he has the dinner menu ready; this year it will be chicken, stew, lasagna and pizza baguettes.

– “I’m just as excited and looking forward to it every year, but perhaps even more so this year since we’ve had a corona break,” says Arild Thomassen.

Read more stories in Sør Cup-Magasinet

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