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Hei IL J17 top from left: Johanna Alette Tveten Romberg, Helen Omholt, Sophie Tveråen, Tuva Brændsrud, Maja Nikman Salvesen, Carina Dyrbeck, Mari Sofie Sjøveian Nielsen, Vilde Riis Vinje, Maria Bjørntvedt Goberg, Luna Kamilla Røyr. Bottom left: Pernille Hagene Knutsen, Ana-Marija Kanuric, Maya Myhre Ishak, Mari Kavli Garstad, Linea Bergstrøm, Linnea Hansen, Nila Martine Røyr, Mathilde Nikman Salvesen.

Hei IL from Porsgrunn is one of nine teams competing in Sør Cup’s J17 class. Another team that also plays in this class, which the girls from Hei IL know well, is the neighboring IF Urædd. These teams met earlier today at Sparebanken Sør Arena in a small city derby. Hei IL played a good game and beat their neighbors 2-0.

Captain Maria Bjørntvedt Goberg scored a beautiful goal – which, had it not been for Zakaria Sawo’s brace against Jerv on Friday, could easily have been the goal of the month at Sparebanken Sør Arena. Asked after the game if it was the best goal she’s ever scored, she is humble, while those standing around quickly chime in and say she’s a player who has many beautiful goals in store.

At Sør Cup this year we have six teams in the J15 class and nine in the J17 class, which isn’t much more than they need to play a cup. We’re very happy with every registered girls’ team in these classes, as is Hei’s captain Bjørntvedt Goberg:

– The fact that we have the opportunity to play in this class is really fun for us. We’re a very social bunch, and we like to do things together. It’s the first time we’re here together as a team, so that makes it extra fun,” says the captain.

When we ask Bjørntvedt Goberg what has been the best thing about the cup so far, it’s clear that for them the cup is not just about football:

– It’s the social aspect. Of course we like to play matches, but it’s the social aspect that we have in the team that’s the best. For example, we went out for a walk in the city yesterday, and everyone sticks together with the whole team. We have a really nice atmosphere in the team, which is probably the best thing.

With few matches per day – only one match on Saturday and one match today – there’s plenty of time for things other than football. Something the girls have made good use of by watching their local team Stathelle against Start Kvinner at Sparebanken Sør Arena on Saturday, and a cup show in the city in the evening. Even though the cup can often become a blur, they also make time for the important things that make it work in the long run:

– We make sure to relax and eat lots of good food. We hang out around the school area, listen to music and some of us play a bit of volleyball since there is a court at the school where we live.

The girls from Hei IL play their final group stage matches tomorrow, Monday, at 13:10 at Kristiansand Stadium, and 17:15 at Sparebanken Sør Arena.

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