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Proudly showing off the medal. From left: Akshil Sendhil Kumar, Casper Eide and Nicklass Olsen Gjerde.

The weekend is now over, and even though the cup lasts a few more days, there are a few teams traveling home today. At Flekkerøy this morning, Forus and Gausel IL played many of their final games. We met three of the players on the G11 team just before their last game at Sør Cup for this year. The team had already received their medals before the match, because right after the match it was straight onto the bus. Even though their match against Egersunds IK was about to start, the three boys took the time to talk to us.

They say that they would have liked to stay longer, but that they have had very good experiences while they have been here:

– “It’s a lot of fun to be at Sør Cup, we meet lots of people from all over Norway, and I’ve made lots of new friends. It’s also fun that there are so many matches,” says Akshil.

At a cup, there can sometimes be a lot of time between matches and you’re often dependent on finding things to do. The boys from Forus and Gausel have been creative and managed to fill the days in several different ways:

– We live here on Flekkerøya, so we’ve spent a lot of time here and in the schoolyard. We’ve also played football at school, been to the bouncy castles, collected bottles, been to the shop and bathed a lot,” smiles Nicklass and continues:

– It couldn’t be better.

They all agree that they would like to come back again next year. We welcome them and the rest of the gang back!