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Mathias Grundetjern at the top of Flekkerøy, where he has played football for most of his life (Photo: Egil Olsen).

This year’s edition of Sør Cup is now in full swing with matches everywhere. Current IK Start player Mathias Grundetjern has participated in Sør Cup with Fløy since he was seven years old. In 2017, he went all the way and won with Fløy G19, when they beat Randesund 2-1 in the final.

Grundetjern has fond memories of his time as a Sør Cup participant and believes that the cup always came at the perfect time of year:

– “As soon as school is out and the summer holidays are underway, it’s great to start the vacation with football and friends. Playing football is one of the most fun things I know, and Sør Cup has a very good framework for football and activities,” says Grundetjern and continues:

– There are lots of games and lots of people. You can’t really ask for a better start to your vacation.

As a professional player at IK Start, a veteran of the Sør Cup and a former winner, the midfielder is a good person to get tips from. When we ask him what tips he has for this year’s Sør Cup participants, he doesn’t have to think long:

– Given the weather and the heat, it’s important to get enough fluids and food between games and throughout the day. But he’s in no doubt about what’s most important:

– The most important thing is to have fun. Enjoy your friends, teammates and family. The very best tip is to enjoy the cup and these days because it passes quickly. The Cup is fantastic and take advantage of the offers they have.

There’s a lot going on in the coming days both around the arenas and in the city. Tonight there’s a cup show at Øvre Torv in Kristiansand with a children’s show from 18:00 – 19:00. 18:00 – 19:00 and the main show from 20:00 – 21:30. There will also be a meet & greet at Sandens from kl. 15:00 – 16:00 where there will be opportunities to meet this year’s cup show artists.

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