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Sparebanken Sør and Sør Cup extended their naming rights agreement this week.

This means that the largest sports event in southern Norway will continue to bear the name Sør Cup in the future. The new agreement has a length of up to 10 years (5 years + option for 5 more years), which ensures predictability for the cup in the future.

– “We are proud to have Sparebanken Sør behind us, and happy that the Sør Cup name can live on. It is a name and a brand that is becoming well known around Norway and we want to build on that,” says Ole Gerhard Sørensen, General Manager of Sør Cup.

– “It’s a vote of confidence from the bank in Sør Cup and the organizing clubs Vindbjart, Fløy and Donn. The agreement also gives us predictability in the years to come.

Sør Cup was originally established under the name PlussbankCup, with Sparebanken Pluss as the licensee of the name. After the merger between Sparebanken Sør and Sparebanken Pluss in 2014, it was decided that the new name of the cup would be Sør Cup.

The cup, which was created under the name PlussbankCup, has had the name Sør Cup after Sparebanken Sør, as well as the bank’s emblem in the logo, ever since the merger in 2014. Now it will be called Sør Cup for another 5+5 years. Photo: Richard Nodeland

In 2023, a record number of 614 teams participated in Sør Cup, and registration for next year’s tournament is already well underway.

– With Sparebanken Sør on board, we have ambitions to develop the tournament further in the years to come,” says Sørensen.

Satisfied with the collaboration

Trond Skjæveland, Marketing Manager and responsible for following up the agreement at Sparebanken Sør, is pleased with the extension of the agreement. – “Sparebanken Sør is passionate about the region and wants to stimulate activities that have a broad appeal. For many years, Sør Cup has done a great job for many, many children and young people. We cheer on Sør Cup and look forward to further cooperation,” says Skjæveland.

Eva Kvelland, Director of Marketing and Communication, describes the collaboration as follows: – “Sparebanken Sør is proud to have been involved in the establishment and development of Sør Cup, and we think it’s great that the cup will bear the bank’s name. As a partner, we are closely involved in the work of the cup, and we see how important it is for the region, for the local clubs and for children and young people from all over the country, who every year get big and small experiences and memories for life. For us, it’s only positive that the bank’s name and logo are associated with one of Norway’s biggest football tournaments for children and young people!

Important for the continuity of Sør Cup

Marketing Manager at Sør Cup, Gustav Steimler, is delighted with the new agreement. – “Having a player behind us who believes in what we do, with such a long-term view, is incredibly important as we continue to build the Sør Cup brand,” says Steimler.

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