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From left: Hanne Sofie Aarstad and Camilla Johansen have had great experiences as parents at this year’s cup.

At Sør Cup this year, we have close to 6,000 players. In addition, there are coaches, and there are also many parents who are involved. With so many people around the arenas, there are a lot of logistics before matches, and different needs for food and drink to be taken into account. For parents, it’s important that things work as well as possible.

Camilla Johansen is attending Sør Cup with her children for the first time this year. Johansen comes from Egersund and is taking part as a mother and supporter of Egersunds IK G11. Johansen believes the experience has been virtually squeaky clean:

– As far as we’re concerned, the whole experience here has been great.

– “We knew in advance that there were a lot of registered teams, and thought it was going to be a bit chaotic, but it’s incredibly airy and nice. There’s little queuing, it’s easy to shop and it’s easy to go to the toilet,” says Johansen and continues:

– Everyone we’ve spoken to, from the parking attendants to the people in the kiosk, is so welcoming and friendly. I also have a younger boy who doesn’t play soccer, and it’s great that there are bouncy castles and things he can do too. It’s easy to bring the kids here.

– “We’ll be back next year too,” adds Aarstad.

The EIK team has played most of its matches this year at Flekkerøy, but also had some at Karuss. Tomorrow morning they will play their last games before traveling back home to Egersund.

Summer is the time of year for football cups, and EIK has planned several other cups this summer. Aarstad nevertheless highlights Sør Cup as one of the best.

– “I’ve been here two years before, and we always come back because the boys really like it here. It’s the highlight of the year for us,” says Aarstad.

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